Linux Mint 3.0, Cassandra, baserad på Bianca och kompatibel med Ubuntu Feisty och dess repositories.
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Important new features in Cassandra:
- The brand new ”mintInstall” and the ”Linux Mint Software Portal”
- Gnome 2.18 (speed improvements)
- Kernel 2.6.20 (better hardware support)
- Ubuntu Feisty innovations (restricted-manager, desktop-effects, windows migration assistant, avahi)
- OpenOffice 2.2 (complete suite)
- Thunderbird replaces Evolution as the default email reader
- Pidgin replaces Gaim as the default messenger
- Sunbird is now installed by default
- The Gimp is installed by default
- Gnome-control-center replaces mintConfig as the default control center application
- Both mintDisk (for internal drives) and NTFS-Config (for external drives) are present for NTFS support
- Support for Gnome Templates in mintDesktop
- mintInstall replaces gnome-app-install and the upcoming Click’n Run.
- Drag & Drop support in mintMenu with many other improvements
- Sun Java 6 replaces Sun Java 5
- Compiz, Beryl and Emerald installed by default
- New artwork